Saturday, October 23, 2010

It's a beautiful day

I'm in a great mood, and I wanted to post something that symbolized happiness to me recently!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Pre-weekend advice: HANGOVER HELP

Due to it being Thursday, and therefore the start of the weekend, I thought an appropriate post would be some handy hints as to avoiding/dealing with a possibly inevitable hangover sometime this weekend.

Unfortunately for me, hangovers tend to be an all day event. The sacrifice of a night well spent. All I find myself craving is melted cheese. Since I cut fast food, and more specifically- Taco Bell, out of my diet, it has been harder to find the perfect food to satisfy this intense desire for my poor hungover body. A few good substitutes I have found are: a cheese quesadilla from the Campus Center Cafe, Macaroni and Cheese, a grilled cheese, and sometimes- just plain melted cheese. Nom nom nom.

First off: Why do hangovers happen?!

Well, according to my handy-dandy pals at who sum it up nicely:
A hangover is an after-effect of intoxication(DUH). Alcohol being a diuretic leads to dehydration of the body. This dehydration is in turn responsible for the headaches,dizziness, general body weakness and tiredness, increased sensitivity to light and noise, nausea and vomiting – all the symptoms of a hangover. Fun stuff, right?

So, to first avoid having a hangover, you should note that some alcoholic drinks are more likely to make you feel like shit than others: red wine, for example, is worse than white. Clear alcohol is better than dark. Also, eating fatty foods and drinking milk before drinking are both good ideas. Then just keep hydrated while drinking alcohol to keep your body hydrated.

Some remedies: Water, obviously. Foods that will boost blood sugar and restore potassium and salts: BANANAS and COCONUT WATER are great. Avoid aspirin and Tylenol so as not to upset your stomach, but other over the counter pain relievers are good. Also, coffee-NOT GOOD. Also a diuretic, avoid it, unfortunately. Sports drinks- good! And lots of sleep. Sorry, Sunday homework.

On the bright side, one of the (or the only) nice things about devoting a day to a hangover, is how awesome you feel the next day. Without the hangover, it's like being rejuvenated and feeling like you're on top of the world!

Happy Weekend!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Procrastination Round 2

Once again, instead of studying for this LGBT midterm tomorrow (Let it be noted, however, that I have almost completed my study outline), I have found myself on the Garfield website looking through the comic archives for the strips that have published on my birthdays throughout the years. For your entertainment, and possible procrastination, I will post some gems:

Sunday, October 17, 2010


I don't know what it is about today/tonight but I absolutely cannot focus on anything academic. Other than finishing my reading in Philip Roth's Goodbye, Columbus, nothing else really seems to be getting done. Good book though.

Here is a list of things that seem more important to me right now than studying for my LGBT midterm on Tuesday:

  1. My messy room. Not cleaning it, but instead trying my best not to look around it. From where I am perched on my bed, I can see... a lime, at least 7 glasses containing liquids from last night, a cowboy hat, a huge open container of cranberry juice, a completely EMPTY handle of Svedka, an almost finished bottle of Fresca, cards splayed across the floor, a studded belt, so yeah- sums up my life, sums up why I'm terrified to begin the cleaning process.
  2. Chelsea Handler. All I want to do is keep reading Are You There Vodka? Not that Roth's protagonist, Neil, and his struggles with love, class, and winning ping-pong games against seven year old girls in the suburbs of New Jersey isn't riveting, but frankly I'd rather be reading about Handler's alcohol problem.
  3. My radio show! Tonight's topic is health at Smith college which I'm sure will be filled with lots of jokes and an absolutely phenomenal assortment of tunes. Just kidding about that last part. Pretty sure a Ne-yo and Celine Dion combination wouldn't necessarily thrill the WOZQ heads. Ah well.
  4. Being weak and tired from last night. Enough said.
So, as you can see, studying is just not a priority right now. Alas, WWII gays and lesbos, you're struggles and community growth will have to wait until later.


TV show recommendation

Cats 101 is a fantastic show on Animal Planet. Basically, it's an hour of cats, facts about cats, and weird people who are crazy about cats. What could be better? It airs every Saturday evening at 8, and sometimes 7 also? If you're lucky.

Suggested Cats 101 drinking game:
  • Every time the word "pet" is said
  • Every time a bad cat joke is made
  • Whenever you hear a meow
  • Every time there is a close-up on a cat's face
  • If you want to get really drunk, every time you say "AW!"
You're welcome.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Hello and welcome back to your favorite blog about babes and berries everyone!

While it may be a little more difficult for me to find source material to write about berries now that I'm back at Smith, I'm sure I will find plenty of stuff to write about. I apologize it took so long to get back in the swing of blogging- the beginning of the year has been crazy BUT now it's a .... kind of dreary Thursday afternoon AND I just finished a mad rush of papers being due, and I'm in a fantastic mood and ready to kick off a bound to be AW--- WAIT FOR IT--- SOME weekend. That doesn't work as well as Barney Stinson, huh? Oh well. You get the idea.

So! It's a new year, and everyone is surrounded by new people- maybe you're a first year just coming into Smith or wherever, or maybe you're an upper-classperson (like the PC-ness there?) checking out all the new hotties on campus or in your classes. Either way, new crushes are BOUND to happen. So, let's talk about one of my favorite pieces of advice:


Now, I'm going to elaborate. First off, you know when one of your friends comes up to you and is all, "Oh my god, So-and-so is totally into you! She/he thinks you're so hot!" Maybe you've known the person forever, maybe you have to check them out on facebook, but either way: THEY WILL BE ON YOUR RADAR. Everyone likes compliments. Everyone likes to be liked. If you hear that someone is into you, all of a sudden you're going to pay them a little attention, even if it's just for a second in your mind. Maybe the next time you see them around, you'll find yourself giving them a little up and down look or making eyes, all because you know they're into you.

So, there are multiple ways to get into this position in the offensive. Yes, having a mutual friend drop a hint that you're into the person is always easy, and actually not a bad idea, as long as it isn't done too obviously, of course. However, if you're feeling a little bold, it's also a good idea to let them know on your own. It's more personal and way more pro-active to start flirting (subtly) and, at first, making them wonder if maybe you are into them. Here are some suggestions...

First: DON'T BE CREEPY. There is no need to be ALL over them ALL the time. No, no, no. Subtly is way more effective and way sexier. Trust me. I know that some booze in your system may make your confidence go up, but don't be sloppy either. We've all made that mistake and over-flirted and felt like a loser in the morning. I'll take a minute here to apologize for all the times that has happened in my life... aaand, moving on!

My next tip: EYES. You know that look that you get from someone across the room that catches your eyes for a second and makes you wonder. Don't just blatantly stare until they look back, but if you can catch their eyes repeatedly, that's good. Give a little smirk. Hold their eyes for just a second each time casually, then look away. Be busy. Look occupied, but like you're making it worth your time to catch their eyes and let them know you're giving them some attention. This is great for party settings or even across a dining hall.

Casual touching: Maybe you're already friendly but you want to be more. Once again, subtly=awesome. Let them think that maybe you want to be a little more than friendly with them: touch their arm when you talk, linger your hand on their wrist as you say goodbye, lean into them if appropriate. There are plenty of ways to throw in some casual touching, and you should be able to tell right away if it is taken positively or negatively. If they smile up at you or touch back- THAT'S GOOD. If they pull away awkwardly...maybe this was too far. Back it up and take some time to reevaluate.

If you're at this place in your friendship already: invite them over! Be bold! Invite them to a party and make them feel welcome, show them a good time but don't spend all of your time with them. Compliment what they're wearing. Flirt. Be a little physical, especially if alcohol is available as a social lubricant.

If you do these thing and think they might be into you, well then, hopefully you have some game and can reel in the catch.

Now, quick disclaimer. If you are into someone WHO IS TAKEN: DO. NOT. PUSH. IT. I'm all for letting your feelings be known because, hey, maybe they aren't actually happy and you could be awesome and something may work out...BUT, IF YOU TRY MORE THAN ONCE AND IT IS NOT RECIPROCATED, IT'S TIME TO CALL IT QUITS. Don't you think? Move onto someone else awesome! There are plenty of girls, boys, or whatever you're into out there to focus your attention on.

So, with these helpful hints, GO FORTH! Enjoy the weekend! Let your crush have an idea you're into them and maybe the weekend will be better than you expected!
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