Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Hank: How the fuck did we get here?
Karen: I don't know, but I'm pretty sure it's your fault.
Hank: Oh, undoubtedly. I'm currently accepting blame for everything...it's all my fault.
Karen: You tricked me you know. You tricked me. I would hear the doorbell ring and I would go running towards it, and I'd be thinking, I don't even like this guy, this is just some stupid fling. And then I'd open the door and all those thoughts would just disappear because I'd see your smile and I was a goner. I trusted that smile.
Hank: He was a good guy, that smile. I don't see him much around anymore, I miss him.
Karen: So strange, things change so fast. Once you were my future, then you were my misery, and now you're almost my past.
Hank: Almost.

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