Saturday, June 25, 2011


Due to my job on the berry farm, most of my body has turned to its nice tanned color...however... the parts that are covered up every day by shorts, sneakers, and a tank top are still extremely pale. Great.

Douchey Thought: Actually, this is more of a goal. Douchey Goal! If my stomach is going to be this pale, it has got to be ripped enough to compensate.

Challenge commence!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The New Vodka

Sorry it's been a little while, everyone. Distracted from the world of blogging. But now, I'm back! No worries.

Today's topic, Gin is the new vodka! Did I hear a few gasps? Disgruntled "hmphs"? Well, I'll explain. I will say, off the bat, that part of my reasoning behind this assertion is due to my father, who I give much credit to who I am today. If any of you have had the pleasure of meeting him and hearing some of his stories of who he is and some of the things he has done- you will understand me much, much better. Anyway! My father is a gin man. Always has been. I have heard his drink order, "gin on the rocks," probably more than any other order at a bar or restaurant in my entire life because of how loyal he is to his preference. I always wondered what it was about gin that he was so hooked on, but after my fall semester at SC drinking only $12 bottles of Poland Spring gin, my mind began to broaden into understanding.

First of all, cheap gin is a hell of a lot easier to drink than cheap vodka. Cheap vodka burns and sucks away at your soul, while cheap gin kind of just tastes like funky water- but a little tastier, if you ask me.

Secondly, expensive gin is a hell of a lot classier than expensive vodka. Yeah, yeah Grey Goose has it the name recognition for expensive, tasty booze, but there are a lot of delicious gins out there. I'd also argue that there are more recognizable expensive gins than vodkas. Mostly because, let's be honest, who really ever wants a vodka on the rocks? Ew. Put it in a delicious mixed drink or suck it down in a shot glass- I don't want to sip it.

Thirdly, I feel like everyone's first year of college all they do is do vodka shots. Svedka or Smirnoff probably? But then you have that night where you do a vodka shot and realize you want to kill yourself. Hm! Need another clear booze option? Time for gin. Now, I do not recommend doing shots of gin. But I do recommend them for tonic and other mixed drinks.

So, keep my martini classic with gin, please. And put a lime in my gin and tonic, and I'm happy.

I just realized this would have been a great post for my upcoming birthday, but now it's written so it's coming early!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Okay, I'll admit right now, did not realize that "Douchey Thought of The Day" would look so sweet as an acronym.

Anyway, here's the DToTD:

A little bit of sun, a little bit of worn out, and damn do I look good in a white button up in the summer.

Endorphin Theory

"Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands."

I'm sure we all remember this line from Legally Blonde. No, this post is not a theory as to the solution of a murder mystery. Instead, today at the farm, I came up with a new theory to explain why I, for some reason, a) love my job, and b) seem to be weirdly addicted and loyal to the farm.

Work on the farm is hard. Today was my third day in a row of bending over, weeding strawberry plants, for hours on end in the 80 degree sun. Not an easy thing to do, folks. However! At around 3, my boss comes down and says- Girls, it's too hot to weed, come on up to the stand. Ahh, a sigh of relief. And yet... we get up there, and I am instructed to start hauling around 40 pound bags of soil. Hm. So, even though I'm going on our 8 of heated manual labor, I'm enjoying myself and am not envious of my coworker who is watering plants. Yes, I do like manual labor in general, but here is where my new theory comes into play.

Endorphin Theory: Manual labor is exercise, if exercise makes you happy, then manual labor, should, technically, make you happy. Therefore, work on the farm creates endorphins within ones body that lead to subconscious enjoyment of the work, even if soreness, burning, and sweating is involved. And, further, just as exercise can be addicting, so can the work on the farm.
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