Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Name Game Revisited

So you've met someone in a bar, gotten their number, and have absolutely no idea what their actual name is but you've been texting for over a week. Could you have at some point simply asked them over a playful text message to remind you? Sure, but of course- you haven't. Fair enough. But now you've made plans to get together. It's crunch time.

From recently being in this situation, I with the help of friends, had to come up with some possible solutions to the problem that may as well be shared with the greater audience of people who have weird ass names in their phone for people they may be interested in.
  • If you have some vague idea that their name may have been a little different or exotic and that is why you don't remember, then once again, the easiest approach is simply to ask how they spell it.
  • When you meet up, bring a friend along. When you arrive, the friend can quickly reach out their hand and introduce themselves and your Mystery Name date will have to provide their name audibly. Done and done.
  • Side note: The friend doesn't have to stay long, you don't necessarily want to be that person who brings along a buddy for fear of an awkward date. That goes against every lesson of exuding confidence that I have taught you. Instead, you can casually explain that you were walking by with the friend and they wanted to say hi- maybe they also were at the bar when you met? Or, if you are really in a desperate situation- text Mystery Name ahead of time and explain that one of your friends just got dumped and needs some company, you're sorry, you know it's a little weird, but ask if they can join you. Hopefully Mystery Name will see this as charming and sweet that instead of canceling your date, you'd rather still see them and also be a good friend at the same time.
  • Don't have a friend willing to help you out and would rather have you suffer a little more? Understandable. Going off of being charming, it's alright to be a little goofy sometimes. Letting your confident guard down can really pay off. So, give a little smirk, a little embarrassed head scratch, and laugh to yourself as you admit to them that you are so embarrassed but that you are actually having a really nice time with them and that you should admit that you don't actually remember their name. This one may be a little riskier, so be ready to gauge just how awkward/offended they might be about it. They might just laugh it off with you- I mean, honestly, it's an easy mistake if you have only met once before. If, however, they seem offended, just explain that you were too nervous to ask through a text because you didn't want to scare them off until you could see them again. Give a cute smile. And you're back in the game.
  • Last approach: Don't do anything. This is, of course, perhaps the douchiest and riskiest approach to the situation, but at least you won't have to admit that you don't know their name. Realistically, you may not need to actually address them by their name for quite some time. As long as anyone you may have to introduce them too is quick enough to do the introduction themselves, you're all set. If you meet their friends, wait until Mystery Name isn't at the table, and you could ask how long they have known them. Hopefully the friends will respond, oh we've known ____ for a few years now! And you're golden. If you go home with Mystery Name, do a quick search on a desk for letters or notes. Easy enough. I do not, however, really recommend going home with them or really even seeing going much longer without knowing their name, but hey, to each their own. I just provide the advice!


  1. Sounds like there is a really good story behind this....share!

  2. Gilly, you totally forgot! In trying to learn more about the person, as is customary when meeting someone new, ask them their whole/entire name. First Middle and Last please, then comment how beautiful it is.


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