No, I will not try to teach all of you at home in the states a ton of Danish so that when I get home we can all converse. Do not worry. Instead, I'm just going to tell you two interesting pieces that I have learned about the language, and therefore, the Danish culture.
First off, the words for "married" and "poison" are the same. What is the Danish word? "Gift."
Secondly, and this is one that might come in handy, is a slang term for a hot girl. Apparently, calling a girl a "fed sild" is a compliment. English translation: Fat herring. I'm not sure I would have ever the balls to approach a girl in a bar and call her an overweight fish, but hey, the Danes are the decedents of Vikings and far more brave then I.
So, what have we learned about Danish culture? I'm honestly not sure. Is it a gift to be married? Is it a gift to be given poison during a marriage in case it is not going well? Is marriage a poison of love, or, one that is detrimental to ones' health? Are they one in the same? These are questions I just cannot answer.
But I do think I'd rather be called a "hot chick" than a "fat herring"
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