Hands down, the most important lesson anyone needs to know about getting girls, boys, or whatever is to have
CONFIDENCE. Key word for today's post. C O N F I D E N C E. If you don't think you're worth it, why should anyone else? Get a grip on why you are awesome, because I'm sure you are if you are reading this blog, and work with it.
Listen, even if you don't have it, if you act like you're the shit than the girl you are trying to impress will at least take a second to question "hey, maybe they are the shit." So after that, just try not to prove them too too wrong.
For those who have short hair like me, I truly do recommend the "I'm a Cocky-Somewhat-Butch-Totally-Gay-Awesome-Hottie" persona. It works wonders even when you do not mean it to. From what I've noticed, girls love to be loved, especially for their femininity (we're talking about more femme girls here). The "I'm REALLY gay" thing works out well in this situation. If a girl can tell that you truly appreciate her femininity than she will most likely appreciate you as a suitor. The cockiness also comes with the presumption that you are awesome. In bed, in life, whatever. So keep it up or you'll lose, if you get what I'm saying.
Also, I won't feel like I'm being completely open regarding this situation if I do not mention that the short hair absolutely has something to do with it. And let me guess, you probably also wear baggy jeans/board shorts and a lot of men's tops. Well, I think it's safe to say that feminine and previously heterosexually assuming girls find this sort look and their attraction to it ... sexually comforting. Now hold on, I am absolutely NOT demeaning anyone's sexuality. This is simply an observation and cultural suggestion. Because, even if the original attraction derives from previously encoded societal norms for sexuality, the true attraction would only prove to last if the girl really does like girls. Plus, as the short-haired-men's-clothing-wearing-lesbian, I mostly find myself attracted to socially constructed feminine looking girls. However, I don't know if I would be as attractive to them if I had long hair. All I'm saying.
Bonus Round: if you do have walls up (from a previous heart break for example) that lead to a tough or closed off exterior or you act like you do, it is possible to earn sympathy and intimacy points if a girl feels like she can "break down" these walls. Or, even better, if she genuinly does in which case you should probably try to hold onto that one.
For the socially constructed feminine looking girls which I love so much, keep doing your thing. Ha, but, the confidence thing totally goes for you too. It's totally hot when a girl makes eyes or makes a move and this cannot be done if they do not have the courage to do it in the first place. It also goes against those social norms for the less-feminine one to make a move first. It's sexy when a girl acknowledges your attraction to her and then furthers it.
So go, be confident, get mad bitches.